The Garage Team

The Garage Team

Who is the Garage? Different personalities, different hobbies, different backgrounds.  Three people bringing hard work, passion and fun to the workplace daily! The garage team consists of 3 individuals that have become best friends over the past 10 to 20 years. We are an online retailer and stream and sell on different platforms to…


Fun Quotes

Fun Quotes JUNKERNECKING (n.) A Form of rubbernecking to determine if roadside junk is trash or treasure. PICKLASH (n.) A form of whiplash that occur during “junkernecking” and/or curbside shopping CREDIT – Sadie Seasongoods Who has been guilty of this? Most likely all of you. The temptation to get something for free and there is…

Handmade Treasure

Handmade Treasure

What is a Handmade Treasure? It is the section of our website where we have amazing, handcrafted merchandise.  These products you will not find anywhere else.  Blood, sweat and tears go into every product, not like a machine that mass produces a product for you to buy on 100+ websites or in a store.  Many…